Minggu, 14 Maret 2010

end user information system

what is end user IS?

The end-user is a concept in software engineering, referring to an abstraction of the group of persons who will ultimately operate a piece of software (i.e. the expected user or target-user).

This abstraction is meant to be useful in information which is believed to be relevant in a specific project.

When little constraints are imposed on the end-user category, i.e. when writing/publishing programs for the general public, it is common practice to expect minimal technical expertise or previous training. This is also the general meaning associated with the term end user(see also Luser). In this context, easy-to-learn GUIs (possibly with a touch interface) are usually preferred over more sophisticatedcommand line interfaces for the sake of usability.

Transaction Processing System (TPS)?

Processing System (TPS) is a type of information system that collects, stores, modifies and retrieves the data transactions of an enterprise.

A transaction is any event that passes the ACID test in which data is generated or modified before storage in an information system

Features of Transaction Processing Systems

The success of commercial enterprises depends on the reliable processing of transactions to ensure that customer orders are met on time, and that partners and suppliers are paid and can make payment. The field of transaction processing, therefore, has become a vital part of effective business management, led by such organisations as the Association for Work Process Improvement and the Transaction Processing Performance Council.

Transaction processing systems offer enterprises the means to rapidly process transactions to ensure the smooth flow of data and the progression of processes throughout the enterprise.

Management Information System (MIS)?

Definisi sistem informasi manajemen, adalah sebuah sistem manusia / mesin yang terpadu ( integrated), untuk menyajikan informasi guna mendukung fungsi operasi, manajemen dan pengambilan keputusan dalam sebuah organisasi. Sistem ini menggunakan perangkat keras(hardware) dan perangkat lunak (software) komputer, prosedur, pedoman, model manajemen dan keputusan dan sebuah data base.

Management Support System (MSS)/Decision Support System (DSS)

Management Support System
to provide end users with query and analysis capabilities; to satisfy the information needs of managers and professionals, needs often closely related to decision making. Typical query and analysis fuctions include searching a data base for an item of information, generating what if scenarios to test implications of planning models, and so on.

Decision Support System
the term refers to an interactive computerized system that gathers and presents data from a wide range of sources, typically for business purposes. DSS applications are systems and subsystems that help people make decisions based on data that is culled from a wide range of sources.

Executive Support System (ESS)/Executive Information System (EIS)

Executive Support System (ESS) is a reporting tool (software) that allows you to turn your organization's data into useful summarized reports. These reports are generally used by executive level managers for quick access to reports coming from all company levels and departments such as billing, cost accounting , staffing, scheduling, and more.

In addition to providing quick access to organized data from departments, some Executive Support System tools also provide analysis tools that predicts a series of performance outcomes over time using the input data. This type of ESS is useful to executives as it provides possible outcomes and quick reference to statistics and numbers needed for decision-making.

The exact reporting tools and outcome of an Executive Support System completely depends on the ESS developer and it's intended industry use. For example, Cambridge Systematics has ESS to support the investment planning process for the Ministry of Transportation. The features and functions of this Executive Support System are entirely different from the Executive Support System developed by Meditech, which is useful to health care organizations

Accounting Information System (AIS)

Accounting information systems A system can be defined as a group of elements that are formed and interact to achieve goals or objectives. You spend all your life with systems – your home, your work, your family, the school you attended. An organisation is a system in which a number of people work together to achieve particular objectives. Within each system there are smaller systems. The one everyone knows is the solar system. Within it, each of the planets is, itself, a system. Taking Earth, each country is a system, and so on. Another one you will recognise is you – you yourself are a system, full of subsystems such as your respiratory system and your nervous system. Within a business, there are sub-systems called departments which, themselves, can be broken down into smaller systems right down to individual employees. All systems are themselves located within an environment – even the solar system, which has the universe as its environment. Input enters a system from something located in its environment. (The space shuttle entering the earth's atmosphere from outer space is an example of an input to the earth from its environment.) A system processes its input and then sends its output to something located in its environment. A business receives inputs to its system in the form, for example, of raw materials from suppliers, payments from customers, etc. It then converts the inputs into goods and services and sends its outputs (goods and services) into its environment (to its customers). It records

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is usually defined as the science of making computers do things that require intelligence when done by humans. AI has had some success in limited, or simplified, domains. However, the five decades since the inception of AI have brought only very slow progress, and early optimism concerning the attainment of human-level intelligence has given way to an appreciation of the profound difficulty of the problem.

Expert System (ES)

an expert system is a computer program which uses non-numerical domain-specific knowledge to solve problems with a competence comparable with that of human experts

Digital Dashboard is

A digital dashboard, or dashboard report, is a visually intuitive display of data for monitoring personal or work group contributions to overall goals of the business. Dashboards provide easy-to-use access to enterprise data and help organizations track performance and optimize decision-making. At-a-glance, executives, managers, and business users can immediately understand their organization’s health through a range of insightful data visualizations such as key performance indicators (KPIs), tables, graphs, trend indicators, gauges, heat maps, and many more.

Digital dashboards enable business users to intuitively flip through many different perspectives of corporate performance without ever leaving the dashboard, allowing them to quickly and easily identify problems and diagnose root causes. Dashboards combine data from a variety of data sources into a single view, providing the user with multi-disciplined, multi-dimensional performance feedback on every dashboard.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

The highest ranked manager of a corporation. He or she is primarily responsible to carry out the strategic plans and policies as established by the board of directors. He runs the corporation at the highest level. A CEO of a large corporation has without a doubt one of the most complex and demanding jobs that exist. A CEO job description typically involves overseeing highly related and complex activities and issues such as the Corporate Mission, the Corporate Purpose, the company's future Scenario Planning and Corporate Vision, the creation and implementation of the Corporate Strategy, and the Corporate Reputation.

Chief Information Officer (CIO)

Chief Information Officer (CIO) is a job title commonly given to the person in an enterprise responsible for the information technology and computer systems that support enterprise goals. As information technology and systems have become more important, the CIO has come to be viewed in many organizations as a key contributor in formulating strategic goals. In many companies, the CIO reports directly to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). In some companies, the CIO sits on the executive board. Typically, the CIO in a large enterprise delegates technical decisions to employees more familiar with details. Usually, a CIO proposes the information technology an enterprise will need to achieve its goals and then works within a budget to implement the plan.

Knowledge Worker is

anyone who works for a living at the tasks of developing or using knowledge. For example, a knowledge worker might be someone who works at any of the tasks of planning, acquiring, searching, analyzing, organizing, storing, programming, distributing, marketing, or otherwise contributing to the transformation and commerce of information and those (often the same people) who work at using the knowledge so produced.

Tools of End User IS

End User Tools sit over the Data Warehouse/Staging/OLAP (Refer BI Architecture Scenarios), to provide various capabilities for using the information.

Enterprise Reporting Tools

Production Queries and Reports are mostly schedule reports containing transaction level details. There are standard tools (like Crystal) for this purpose. These reporting tools provide an environment to create, produce and distribute reports as well as facility to run ad-hoc detailed queries.

Analytic Applications

Analytic applications undertake slice-dicing, drill up/down, navigation across dimensions and measures, time trending analysis, exceptions, max-min analysis and in many cases what-if analysis as well. It provides many features related to data visualization/presentation and distribution. These analytics are done using the analysis functions within the analytics applications or using the calculation functions available within OLAP.

Data Mining Tools

Data mining tools enable us to discover knowledge and patterns, which we cannot do in analytics application . Data mining tools self discover the information.

Performance Management Tools

Performance Management tools have the dashboard managers and allow you to create scorecards.The Performance Management goes beyond scorecards. Performance Management tools help you to create strategy, set-up targets, Performance Measures & standards.

Decision Modeling Tools

These systems allow you to build business models and use the information as an input. For example you can have a risk profiling system, where you have build models to assess the risk of a Customer. Data-Warehouse (OR mart) could provide the single view Customer information to this system.

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